February 12, 2010

ebay...Obsess a little

Our task for this project was to develop a unique advertising campaign for the online auction site ebay. From our research we decided to target married people in the age range of 30-54. With this target in mind we developed our creative strategy that revolved around the tagline "ebay...Obsess a little." We took situations from everyday life that would be recognizable for people in our target market, things like household chores and other common themes. The idea was to portray ebay as something so important, so consuming, that you literally forgot about whatever else you were supposed to be doing. Food is left on the stove to burn, kids are left waiting for hours to be picked up from school, and even a wedding is put on hold. Here are the creative executions for print...

We also wrote up scripts for a couple :30 TV spots. The spots focused on the same concept as the print ads-ebay is so great that it makes you forget about any other thing you could or should be doing. Here is one of the scripts.


The assignment was to brand ourselves, to show ourselves in a fun and interesting way in a 60 second spot. Here's the result...