August 26, 2011

Funny Social Media Video

This video was created by Erik Qualman, the author of Socialnomics. It provides a comical view of the importance of social media for a business. It pokes fun at CEOs and CMOs who don't have a clue about how to use social media or its importance. If you know anyone who is a social media intern, pass this along to them.

August 24, 2011

Keeping People on Your Blog

This article contains some great tips on how to keep visitors on your site. Once you get people to your blog, how do you keep them entertained and make them remember your blog so they'll come back?

Among other things the article discusses linking to other blog posts (your own) and adding descriptive introductions to your articles so readers can see what the article is about before reading it. Kevin Gibbons, who wrote the post, gives a few other useful tips. Read the full article below...

August 23, 2011

Twitter Adds Photo Galleries to User Profiles

Starting today Twitter is rolling out user galleries that include the 100 most recent photo uploads. In order for the pictures to work you have to post them via Twitter's news photo-upload tool or you can use third-party apps such as TwitPic, yFrog or Instagram.

What does this mean for companies who use Twitter? Increasing opportunities to share pictures of new products, events and other cool photos that their customers can relate to.

Read the full article here...

August 19, 2011

How Fans and Brands Interact on Facebook

This is an interesting description of how fans and brands interact on Facebook...

Some Marketers Not Harnessing Potential of Social Media

Key Points:

  • Engagement on walls of leading brands is down over 20%
  • Local pages drive 36% better results
  • Talk to your fans 6 or 7 times a week at relevant times
  • Know and understand the data associated with the traffic/engagement on your page

For the whole article from AdAge, follow this link...

August 10, 2011

Getting Ready for Google+ Business Pages

Google+ for businesses? Currently there are only personal pages available on the emerging social media site but pages for businesses are "in the works."

Google+ offers businesses intriguing opportunities to integrate with other Google products like Google Offers and Google Maps. It also could mean a change for the way your company is affected by search engine rankings.

Read the whole article below for more...

6 Steps for Brand Advertising on Facebook

The author of this post is CEO of AdParlor, an ad management company for Facebook campaigns. In the article, Fazal gives six basic steps for growing and engaging your Facebook fan base. I think the most important thing that he discusses is step six. He makes it clear that there is much more to be done than simply aggregate fans. Once you build up that fan base it is important to leverage that connection with them to drive business.

Take a look at the full article here...

August 1, 2011

Tips for getting more followers on twitter

Not sure where I got this from, I think it was a mashable article a while back but thought it was worth sharing these tips about twitter...

1. Tweet about stuff you know and love. Your passion and expertise will show and people will recognize it.
2. Make sure your Twitter account name reflects who you are and what you do. For those whose name isn't a brand in its own right (like, um, @irinaslutsky), pick one that's short and to the point. When third generation NYC journalist Jonathan Mandell decided to tweet about theater, he picked @newyorktheater.
3. Related to No. 2, make sure you fill out the bio that shows up under your account name. In case your name is your account name, put your city and description.
4. Follow people. Yes, some of them will follow you back and many won't, but to participate in the Twitter economy, follow. This goes for individuals and companies.
5. Read other people's tweets and ask questions, clarifications and followups. If you're a company, take the complaints offline -- but take them for sure.
6. Unless you're @nytimes or @cnn, don't just hose us with links to your stuff. Throw in observations, funny things you see during the day. Go ahead and break the unofficial rule and tweet what you're having for lunch once in a while. Because someone's going to say they also had a $5 footlong. And that someone could be your next big client.
7. Don't link and run. Even when you post links to your work and intersperse them with links to things you find interesting, stick around for the discussion. Attend to everyone who messages you and especially those who @ you. People remember if they didn't get a response.
8. Tweet consistently. Nothing is more depressing than looking up an account with one tweet from 2010 and two from 2009. Total. (Hi, @redlobster.) Hire someone!
9. If you hire someone to tweet for you or your brand, make sure you trust them. Because if you trust them, they'll be able to have a personality.
10. Remember the Murphy's Law of Twitter is (thanks to @kevinmarks) that being retweeted gets you more followers, but tweeting loses them. So be sure to say things that get retweeted!