September 1, 2011

More Adults are Getting Into the Social Media Game

Social Media has always been dominated by younger folks, but according to a recent study by the Pew Research Center more and more adults are using social media. Here are some stats from the Wall Street Journal article that outlines the findings from the study:

  • 65% of all U.S. adults now use social-networking sites, up from 61% a year ago and just 5% in 2005
  • 33% of adults ages 65 and older say they now use social-networking sites, compared with 26% who said this a year ago
  • Younger people ages 18-29 account for 83% of all social media users
While younger people are still overwhelmingly in the majority for social media usage, adult usage is steadily on the rise. In the past social media was only appropriate for young and hip companies to find their younger market, other companies with older audiences should consider moving into the social media arena to get in touch with their consumers.

Read the full article from the Wall Street Journal by following the link below...